Hope you all have a great weekend :) Here's the other card that I wanted to show you. Almost the same card, but in a different colour scheme.
I just love chandeliers! I love chandelier crystals too, and I think they look great on cards :)
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Hugs, Gunhild
Håper alle sammen har en fin helg :) Her er det andre kortet jeg snakket om. Det er nesten helt likt som det forrige kortet, bare litt andre farger.
Jeg elsker lysekroner! Liker også lysekrone-krystaller, som forresten er veldig fine å bruke på kort :)
Takk for at du besøker bloggen min!!
Klem fra Gunhild
Rubber stamp: Stempelglede Single Stamp 029, Takk. Ink: Distress Ink Vintage Photo & Walnut Stain. Patterned Paper: Prima, Danyeela. Accessories & Other: Prima flowers & lace ribbon. Create Impress micro brads. Metal embellishments (Unik Hobby). Heidi Swapp Chandelier Crystals.
WOW,dette var aldeles nydelig. Du er bare såå flink :-)
Posted by: Louise | 23/08/2008 at 20:16
Nyyydelig kort,Gunhild!
Lekre detaljer og nydelig satt sammen!
Ha ei fortsatt god helg,
klem fra Maya
Posted by: Maya | 23/08/2008 at 21:34
*snapp etter pusten*.... Wow...
Begge desse to siste korta er så ufattelig vakre, at eg sliter med å finne ord!!!!!
Så vakkert og lekre detaljer! ...wow igjen!
Har sagt det før og seier det igjen; Gunnhild, du er en kunstner!!!!!!!!!!!
Stor klem,
Posted by: jorunn | 24/08/2008 at 01:34
Så utrolig nydelig kort!!! Sitter og ser og ser og ser!!! Helt strålende!
og tusen takk for koselig kommentar på bloggen min! Det varmet veldig - og så fra deg da!!!
Klem klem
Posted by: Torill - Norway | 24/08/2008 at 10:39
WOW! Your cards are just amazing!! So beautiful! I saw your work fetured on the Inspirational blog! Very well deserved!! You are super talented! You have a new blog follower!! Hugs...
Posted by: Melissa Bove | 24/08/2008 at 13:37
A really wonderful card! So pretty with all of the pinks, Gunhild. I wish I could speak your language too!
Posted by: Shirley | 24/08/2008 at 18:40
Du lager UTROLIG NYYYDELIGE KORT! Du er en kunstner med en stor bokstav. Hilsen Oxana
Posted by: oxana | 24/08/2008 at 21:28
Alldeles nydelige kort - ord strekker ikke til...
Posted by: "Hermine" | 24/08/2008 at 22:03
Fantastisk nydelig kort dette også!♥
Tusen takk for dine gode ord i bloggen min!
Posted by: Aud | 25/08/2008 at 00:53
wooow this is beautyful, I love all the details!
Posted by: Janny | 25/08/2008 at 20:16
You have a beautiful blog and you do truly amazing work! WOW!
Posted by: Kris Dickinson | 25/08/2008 at 21:17
Länge sedan jag tittade in här till dig. Lika vackra kort som alltid!
Posted by: Karin | 25/08/2008 at 23:35
Du är så insperande och gör finfina kort!
Jag har gett dig en award i min blogg!
Posted by: Patricia/tiza67 | 26/08/2008 at 09:48
Gunhild, your card is beautiful!
I have something for you. I made a 'Thank You' card for you last week using the gorgeous 'Grunge Collection' stamps I won from you, and I am absolutely gutted, because I now can't find it!! I had it in an addressed envelope ready to send to you on Friday. I missed that day, and Saturday and when I looked for it today to take to the Post Office (as we had a holiday yesterday), it had disappeared! I am so frustrated, as I was so proud of it! I think it was the most beautiful card I have ever made, and all due to your wonderful stamps.
It's not the same, but I posted it on my blog last week as I was so excited, and just hoped you wouldn't see it! I guess now you can. My first attempt is here..
But I wasn't happy with it, so you'll need to see the extra post which shows the changes I made, as well, http://craftlingscosycorner.blogspot.com/2008/08/spot-difference.html
If the envelope turns up again, I will send it to you. I hope you like it. :o)
Thank you again for the fabulous stamps.
Chris xx
Posted by: Christine (Craftling) | 26/08/2008 at 21:40
Åhhh så nyyyydelig, delikat, lekkert, vakkert, kan fortsette med fine ord:)
Du lager såååå stemningsfulle kort:)
Posted by: Unni | 27/08/2008 at 22:11
Hei på deg, Gunhild! Nydelig kort igjen. Jeg er så imponert over alt du lager. Det er så gjennomført og lekkert!
Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar i bloggen min! Setter veldig pris på noen ord fra deg :)
Jeg skjønner at det kommer nye stempler om ikke så lenge og gjett om jeg gleder meg til det!?!
Klem, Kristin :)
Posted by: Kristin | 28/08/2008 at 08:07
This card is so beautiful, love it, it looks soo scrummy!!!!
BTW check out my blog I have given you an award!
Posted by: Helena | 30/08/2008 at 00:55
absolutly `Stuningly beautiful` cards as always Gunhuild...Have a lovely week~X~
Posted by: Terrie Bailey | 02/09/2008 at 00:58
I dropped by your blog by accident at Google. I live in South Korea. your language is Norwegian or Swedish?? Not Danish. Anyhow I enjoyed your amazing and beautiful card made by you.
Posted by: Injung | 13/09/2008 at 06:46